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War Crimes and Pharma Giants

Created on: 2021-08-13

One of the biggest barriers people have to healing is their trust in the pharmaceutical industry to act ethically at all times. The individual worker in that industry may have good motives and believe in the system. This does not alter the fact that there is a certain legal record about the industry's past - both recent and more distant.

This article shines a light into some of the darker corners of this industry's past.

If you study health long enough, soon enough you'll come across the connection between the chemical / pharma industry and World War II. The following is a book review I wrote in 2014. The book in question shows the depth of inhumanity that this industry has shown itself capable of.

The Devil's Chemists

24 Conspirators of the International Farben Cartel Who Manufacture Wars

Josiah E. DuBois

This book, from 1952, covers an important episode of history. It is out of print, though online versions are available. The subject matter is the trial of I.G. Farben directors, following World War II. I.G. Farben - effectively "Dyestuffs Incorporated" - had an unimposing name, but the charge brought against its directors was of preparing an aggressive war. This was the corporate side of the Nuremberg trials, and Farben's involvement in Auschwitz figures prominently in this account. The author was a prosecutor in the trial that ended in 1948. Farben's expansiveness prior to WW2 was global:

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