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Vaccine Deaths - Official Figures
Created on: 2021-09-16
. . . The numbers that follow therefore represent a fraction of the true situation in the USA, though it is unknown what that fraction is. This in itself is an indictment of the failure of the VAERS system, and its reliance on voluntary reporting.
Nonetheless, searching the database for events rated as "serious", here is a small selection of reported symptoms / outcomes, with corresponding case numbers:
- Acute kidney injury: 790
- Acute myocardial infarction: 576
- Acute respiratory failure: 593
- Anaphylactic reaction: 400
- Bell's palsy: 348
- Blindness: 167
- Cerebral haemorrhage: 306
- COVID-19 (!): 4,162
- Deep vein thrombosis: 965
- Guillain-Barré syndrome: 457
- Intensive care: 1,388
- Loss of consciousness: 858
- Pulmonary thrombosis: 384
- Rash: 975
- Seizure: 806
- Sepsis: 513
- Sudden death: 103
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