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Understanding the Medical System
Created on: 2024-09-27
If you want to heal a chronic disease, you need to understand how the medical system works.
Which brings us to the next Deadly Sin of Healing - Avarice - Lust for Money. Again, the Seven Deadly Sins is just a structure, I'm not pushing religion - that's entirely your choice.
What has this to do with you and your health?
The Orthodox Approach
Here's a situation familiar to anyone with a chronic health condition.
A woman goes to her GP, she gets a diagnosis, and gets referred to a specialist, who gives her his verdict:
"I'm sorry to tell you, your illness is incurable. But we have drugs to limit the symptoms. You'll need to take them for the rest of your life. Your illness will get worse over time, but the drugs will slow its progression."
If he's honest, he'll tell her the drugs have side effects, possibly quite dangerous ones, and for some - actually, many - fatal side effects.
He's clearly a successful specialist. Perhaps he's sporting some gold bling. And so people believe him.
The reality: all that glitters is not gold.
The specialist's financial success is due to working in a system that is awash with money. If you study business, you'll soon learn that one of the keys to financial success is keeping a customer for life. That's fine if you're constantly providing something of value, but not if it's keeping someone on the hook unnecessarily.
The Rebel Doctor
The reality is, for many chronic illnesses, the condition can be improved through natural healing, and many times people can and do return to their pre-disease condition - i.e. cured. The main things I use for this are herbs, plant oils, and dietary changes.
The woman who would later become my mentor was a rebel doctor - she first trained in orthodox medicine, and served her patients in New York, but the more she learned about the health system, and about healing, the more she offered her patients a choice, like this:
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