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Seven Deadly Sins of Healing #2 - Gluttony

Created on: 2024-09-21

The next Deadly Sin of Healing is Gluttony. (See here for the First Deadly Sin of Healing, Pride).

Again, I'm not pushing religion, this is just a structure. But why do people eat to excess?

Here are the main drivers.

There's pure indulgence - eating for pleasure. That's fine up to a point, but if taken too far, there are obvious problems for health.

There is emotional eating - eating to fill an emotional void. This can become a vicious cycle - e.g. a person has low-self esteem, and eats to self-nurture. She (or he), feels temporarily better, but of course the weight gain hurts self-esteem further, leading to more emotional eating. Here, the person is served by finding better ways to deal with emotional distress, and seeing a therapist may help.

There is addictive eating. A lot of junk food contains excitotoxins which are addictive.

So-called diet drinks are a false solution to weight problems. A study where the effects of drinking carbonated drinks with artificial sweeteners versus standard sugary versions, found that the "diet drink" group gained more weight!

That doesn't make . . .

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