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IT Outage, and Norway's Historical Pharmaceutical Outage
Created on: 2024-07-20
Yesterday, 19th July 2024, there was an IT outage, Microsoft systems were down, and medical centres and other services were limited in what they could do. But something similar happened in Norway decades ago. I was told the following story by a senior Norwegian gentleman. For context, he knows some traditional Norwegian recipes, but he's not a herbal medicine practitioner. What I'm saying is, he's an unbiased source.
Anyway, in the aftermath of WWII, there were supply chain problems in Norway, and they couldn't access pharmaceutical drugs. However, it was the 1940s and the doctors still remembered the traditional herbal medicines, so they just switched from pharmaceutical drugs to the tried and tested herbs. And they noticed something very strange: the patients weren't getting ill as they used to. And there was a lot of confusion around this.
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