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Forced Disclosure Reveals UK's Chief Statistical Agency Knew its Vaccine Safety Data were Flawed
Created on: 2024-05-30
Towards the end of 2021, with the lockdowns still in place and covid panic running high, the UK's ONS released mortality statistics categorized by age, vaccine status, and cause, divided into covid and non-covid deaths.
These data appeared to show that it was safer to be vaccinated than not. However, there were some serious anomalies in the data picked up by a group of British medical researchers, Dr Clare Craig, Professor Norman Fenton, Professor Martin Neil, and others.
I reported on these findings in early 2022. Following the lead of their research I did some of my own analysis, generating further graphs, including this:
Vaccine Uptake % and All Cause Mortality Rates x 105, for Ages 70-79
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