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UK Inquest Rules Vaccine Cause of Death

Created on: 2022-08-20

On August 17th, an inquest in the UK ruled that the cause of an individual's death was a covid vaccine, resulting in the first person in the UK receiving compensation for a covid vaccine death.

Photo of Zion performing at a rock concert. Photo of Zion performing at a rock concert.


The deceased was rock singer "Zion", from Cumbria, who was just 48 years old. His bereaved fiancé, Vikki Spit, was awarded the maximum allowed compensation for his death by the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.

Zion received his first and only AstraZeneca shot on May 5th 2021. Eight days later, on May 13th, he developed an agonizing headache; on May 15th his fiancé, Spit, called an ambulance for him.

Spit reports that the paramedic who arrived "completely dismissed" any connection between his symptoms and the vaccine, claiming it had developed too long after the jab, and both Zion and Spit believed her.

Zion was recommended to go to hospital for further checks, though declined due to fears of catching covid. Spit added that, "He was prepared to go to hospital if the advice was to do so," though the paramedic denied this.

Photo of Zion with fiance Vikki Photo of Zion with fiance Vikki

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